Why? Because Tash is great for the bard who I normally create to use for doing the dmg, I generally don't use AE Pots ever, as making a bard is free and easy. My PL group makeup Ranger has stacking dmg shield with other classes (who I use for pulls snare ftw), SHM for Slow proc buff = major aggro on Ranger and of course buffs, Druid (Emergency DS/Ports/Buffs, Mage for Coth and emergency dmg shield, Enchanter (which is optional) but I bring him around for tash specifically. I use a 6 box setup for PL'ing (I do you don't have to). Setup Ranger/Shm/Druid/Mage/Enchanter/Bard One of the best ways I've found for time versus rewards for me, goes as follows for PLing. All went from 1 to 115 in about 4-7 days. Over the course of this anniversary event, I've power leveled 3 new box toons to complete my 6 box team. Then I take over DS Swarming with my SK in zones like The Grounds until the toon reaches level 85 and is ready to group with a level 115. I utilize my bard to DS Swarm from level 1-75. Any mobs that didn't get hit and are killed by the DS will just poof when they're dead, zero exp awarded and nothing to loot. As the swarm eat themselves alive on the DS, the group/individuals that did the most damage to the mobs will gain the exp. Watch your health as you get into the heavier zones. You can sit repeatedly to drop all defense stats and the swarm will die faster. Then let the swarm kill themselves on the DS.

Watch your spell casting and check to see if you had any resists in the swarm. Bring the train back to your AE toon and it's PL group members, turn on your DS, ensure aggro is locked on the swarming toon, and nuke once or twice with your AE toon. Pull as many mobs as you can, social aggro doesnt work in these newbie zones, so you'll need to utilize a non-damage method to gather aggro. Cresent Reach will work up to level 20-25. You'll pull a train of mobs in a starting zone. Then you'll need to establish an AE class, Mage is the way to go with a level 1 AE spell, bard AE is spotty. Eye of Xygos, from original VP, works great in the primary. To get started, if you're a class with riposte, you'll want to equip two shields/non-damage primary and a shield. The best PL method from lvl 1-65 is through use of your Damage Shield.